Scatter Joy

“There is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Scattering Joy Around The Corner

There are many moments of joy, dancing through puddles after the rain.
Almost as many as dancing down the hallways where I work, catching smiles from many people.
I love to smile.
I love to laugh out loud...until my belly aches...until my face hurts from grinning so big.

Today, I found myself giggling throughout the day with others.
I work around a lot of people who are chronically ill, most of them old enough to be my parents and grandparents.  All of them loveable.  Isn't everyone?  I believe so.

At one point, I rounded a corner to find a loud smile and a jolly voice.
Yes, you read that right!  His smile was so big, I heard it before I rounded the corner.
It echoed through his words.  He heard my footsteps and bellowed, "There's my favorite lady.  You know I love you most."
Just as he got those words out, his head turned as he dared say the VERY.SAME.THING. to the next dame rounding the same corner.

I took this opportunity to give him a hard time, in good humor, of course.
I said to him, "Hey!  Wait a minute!  I thought I was your favorite!"

To which he replied, "Oh but you are.  But you know, Sweetie, if I don't tell all the ladies that, they will get their feelings hurt."

I responded, "I don't care what you say, as long as we both know I am your favorite."

He giggled and said, "You are.  You are.  There is nobody I love better than you."

This kind of humor is passed back and forth between him and almost everyone he meets.  He doesn't leave the guys out either.  They are his best men.  They always have his back.  He has favorites among them too.

This is his way of having a purpose.  This is his way of feeling included in our lives as much as he includes us in his.  This is his way of working his way into each of our hearts.

This is his way of scattering joy. 

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